Monday, May 18, 2009

Something Fun

Ok, summer is here and I survived my first year of seminary. I hope to publish a few things this summer, some insights from seminary, things I have learned or whatever strikes my fancy. I thought I would share this video because deep inside me there is an artist struggling to get out. I played guitar in a couple of bands as a young pagan and always thought I wanted to be a rock star. This inner artist has never left me and I am always looking for interesting videos on the net and this is one. I know I probably don't have many readers left after taking nearly a year off but at least I can use this as a forum for speaking my mind and if anyone reads this I hope it will be enjoyed. I know I usually am hunting heretics or speaking on the finer points of divergence between the infralapsarian and the supralapsarian but just sit back for a few minutes and enjoy this. Btw, SG, did you catch the sample in there, if you did let me know.

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